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Here is your opportunity to be part of something special and to give something back... to the community...to the environment.. and your fellow man. Please fill out the application below. On the next page, you will have the option to pay by credit card or check.

Come join us in our quest for "growing older but not up".

If you prefer to print out the application, it is available here.

If you have any questions, contact our membership director at membership@lsphc.com.

NOTE: If this is a renewal, login to your profile and click on the "Renew Membership" button.

(Items marked with * are required.)
* I am joining as a:           Single Member ($25.00)       Couple ($35.00)

* First Name:  
* Last Name:
* Address:
* City:
* State:
* Zip Code:
* Home Phone:
Work Phone:
*Cell Phone:
*Email Address:
* Can we contact you to help out at club events? Yes No

Please enter your spouse's information below (if applying for couple membership):

 Name         Birthday Email Cell

How did you hear about the Lone Star Parrot Head Club?

Check here if you would like your contact
information (phone, email, birthday) available
in the SECURE online membership directory.